Upcoming auditions for musical Sunset Boulevard

Past event
Apr 7, 2014, 6 to 9 PM

for the Vermont Premiere of
the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical

Inviting all actors, singers, and dancers ages 17-100.

APRIL 3rd 6–9pm Town Hall, Brandon
APRIL 7th 6–9pm Town Hall Theater, 68 S. Pleasant St. Middlebury
APRIL 8th 6-9 pm Merchants Hall, 40-42 Merchants Row, Rutland

APRIL 13th by appointment – Merchants Hall Rutland

Auditions start promptly at 6pm with group movement call. Those wishing to have non-singing dance-featured roles may leave after this portion. Solo slots will be scheduled upon arrival.

(2) 40-60 bar contrasting cuts of any genre of your choice. Accompanist provided, please bring sheet music. Upon arrival you will be able to choose from 5 different “sides” to read in your solo slot. Please come having made yourself familiar with this musical.

July 17-26th -- Town Hall Theater, Middlebury

June 1st–July 17th – rotating between Rutland and Middlebury

Email info@merchantshall.com

Presented by the Merchants Hll Stage Series in collaboration with the Middlebury Town Hall Theater.
Directed by Jacob W. Patorti – Choreographed by Erika Schmidt

Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Book and Lyrics by Don Black and Christopher Hampton, based on the Billy Wilder Film.

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