Selectboard Meeting on Dec. 16

Past event
Dec 16, 2019, 5:30 to 9:30 PM

The packet can be viewed here:

The agenda includes the following:
5:30 PM Adjustments to the agenda
5:31 PM Wastewater disposal ordinances for West Charlotte village
6:00 PM Solar Net Metering Agreements – consider net metering agreement(s) for approval
6:40 PM Media release for ReArch to use photos of the library addition
6:50 PM Thompson's Point Leaseholders Association—expand easement for water treatment system to include the "caretaker's cottage"
7:00 PM Public Comment
7:05 PM FY21 Draft Budget
8:00 PM Draft warning for Town Meeting, 2020
8:30 PM Personnel Policy—amend Section 5.3.2 Holidays to add the day after Thanksgiving
8:40 PM Contract with StageWorks for providing sound system for Town Meeting
8:45 PM Thompson's Point leases
• Lot 28 at 327 Association Way—renew 20 year lease to Teresa Pete, Trustee of the Teresa R. Pete Family Trust
• Lot 136 at 280 Deer Point Road—renew 20 year lease to Kenneth L. Murray
• Lot 162 at 450 North Shore Road—renew 20 year lease to James Twitchell
• Lots ¾ 54 & ½ 55 at 430 Flat Rock Road—renew 20 year lease to Sylvia P. Mitchell
• Lots 159, 160 & 161 at 400 North Shore Road—renew 20 year lease to Virginia M. Foster Revocable Trust
• Lot 198+ at 2588 Thompson's Point Road
o Terminate lease to Kim Smith
o Approve a new 20 year lease to Katherine Manaras & Oakley Smith
8:50 PM Minutes: November 25; December 9, 2019
9:00 PM Personnel discussion (executive session likely)
9:05 PM Selectboard updates
• Charlotte Solar
9:10 PM Approve warrants to pay bills
9:15 PM Adjournment

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