"Creating Holiday Traditions" & Souper Sunday Lunch

Past event
Dec 15, 2019, 10 AM to 12 PM

"Creating Holiday Traditions" with Sharon Mueller, Tina Feindel & Toni Streeter, 10 am

At this darkest time of year, many spiritual traditions have, over the centuries, provided ways to celebrate. Whether ancient or modern, what traditions have touched your life, brought you joy? Let's look at those we hold to, those we can let go of, and new ones that create joy and good cheer.

We'll sing familiar holiday songs and tell stories. After the service and Souper Sunday lunch, everyone is invited to join in decorating our tree, one of our own traditions! Kids and families especially encouraged to attend!

Stay after the service for Souper Sunday, sponsored by the Caring Committee. This is a chance to join us for hearty soups and breads and conversation.The lunch costs $4 for members and friends, NO CHARGE FOR GUESTS. All welcome!

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