Holiday Barter Market

Past event
Dec 11, 2019, 5 to 8 PM

"exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money".

Wishbone Collective and Downtown Winooski are proud to present Winooski's first official Holiday Barter Market!

Join us on Wednesday, December 11th from 5-8 PM for an evening of swapping, chatting, munching, and exciting acquiring.

Created as a gentle protest to our financially depleting seasonal consumption and the waste that inevitably follows, the Holiday Barter Market aims to allow folks to trade intentional goods & art (and food?!) while learning the great skill of bartering.

Folks are encouraged to bring new or used goods & art that they are interested in trading and/or selling. Items such as paintings, framed or unframed photos/prints, records, clothing, jewelry, musical instruments, handmade goods, furniture (within reason), Nik-naks, and other carry-able goods. Skills or services such as cleaning, teaching, cooking etc. may also be exchanged.

*Please do not bring any items you can't carry on your own.*

*Bartering is not required, cash purchases may be made if agreed upon by both parties.*

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