Holiday Housewarming Fuel & Food Fundraiser
The Chester and Andover Democrats will hold their annual Holiday Housewarming Fuel & Food Fundraiser at Baba a Louis Bakery in Chester on Monday, December 16 from 6 to 8 PM. This community event is open to all, so please join us for an evening of plentiful food, drink, music and conversation.
All money raised will be given to the Chester-Andover Family Center to provide fuel assistance for families struggling to make ends meet. We also encourage attendees to bring non-perishable food items for the CAFC Food Shelf.
Please mark your calendar and join us for this festive community event.
For more information, contact Tom Bock at 875-2222 or Kathy Pellett at 875-1372. If you are unable to attend but wish to donate, please make your check payable to Food & Fuel Assistance Fund and send to Bill Dakin, c/o Dakin and Benelli, P.O. Box 499, Chester, VT 05143.
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