The R K Kittay Library in Rupert will welcome the "No Strings Marionette Company" to present "The Hobbit" on Friday, December 6th at 7:00 PM in the Rupert Firehouse. This program is free and open to all. Refreshments will be available after the performance. The firehouse is located on Route #153 in the center of Rupert. Please join us and share the fun!
The Library will also pick the 10 winners of hand painted sap buckets after the show. Buckets were donated by Mike Lourie and painted by local artists. They are also filled with products donated by local businesses and the Library Trustees. The buckets will be displayed that night and tickets sold at the performance. You need not be present to win.
More information is available at the Library website Rupertkittaylibrary .org or call the Library at 802-394-2444.