Reparations for Slavery in Vermont: is That a Thing?

Past event
Dec 10, 2019, 5:30 to 8:30 PM

First Congregational Church
30 S Winooski Ave

The Racial Justice Alliance Meeting will start at 5:30. The Community Forum starts at 6:30.

As the national dialogue on reparations continues and despite the introduction of a slavery reparations bill in early 2019, law makers remain largely silent on the matter of reparations in Vermont. We're advancing the discussion. To what extent does the harm done from slavery persist today? Is the appointment of a task force to examine an apology and reparations the appropriate solution? What are the hopes and fears of community and policy makers surrounding the prospect of such task force? There is allot to unpack and we'll bring representatives from community, policy makers, clergy and activists together for the panel discussion. H.478 is recommended for review prior to attending.

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