Selectboard Public Hearings for Town Plan Amendments, Dec 5, 2019 & Jan 2, 2020, 7 pm at the Town Hall
These Public Hearings are the last steps in a multi-year process. With input and feedback from our Jericho community, the Planning Commission wrote 4 amendments to the Town Plan in response to new state laws, town concerns, and priorities:
Commercial District – The Town Plan needs revising in order to align with the newly adopted (August 2019) Commercial District Master Plan. This plan emphasizes developing mix of businesses and residences that fit in our rural community, supporting connectivity and transportation options, and protecting the views along Route 15. The master plan was a result of of multi-stakeholder process with regular input from the community.
Energy Chapter – With support from the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRP) and the Jericho Energy Task Force, this chapter has been revised to develop a path for Jericho to meet the goals of the Vermont State Energy Plan. Strategies include weatherizing homes, increasing renewable energy generation, and reducing energy consumption.
Community Health Chapter- With help from the CCRPC and the state Department of Health, we are adding a new chapter to encourage healthy living for residents, with support from the community.
Natural Resources – These updates reflect the new Natural Resources Overlay already adopted in the zoning regulations last year.
To learn more about these amendments, please visit the town web site:
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