This week's OLLI talk will be the first of three films based on British novelist Graham Greene's works. The film ''The Third Man'' (1949), made in black and white expressionist cinematography, with harsh lighting, distorted camera technique and iconic theme music, creates a style that evokes the atmosphere of an exhausted, cynical post-war Vienna at the start of the Cold War. The film will be introduced by film guru Rick Winston, who will also lead a brief discussion afterwards.
What: Film: ''The Third Man'' facilitated by Rick Winston
When: Wednesday, December 4, 12:30-2:30
Where: Savoy Theatre, Montpelier
Cost: Free to OLLI members, others $5 suggested donation
For more information about the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, or this program, please email me, call 454-7814, or go to our website:
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