I encourage Starksboro landlords and childcare providers who do their own EMP inspections or minor paint repair to take this course
Peter Ryersbach, Starksboro THO
Good Afternoon,
The Vermont Department of Health Asbestos and Lead Regulatory Program will be offering an Essential Maintenance Practices (EMP) Lead Law training course on December 11 in St. Johnsbury. Please help us get the word out to anyone needing this training. This is a required course for landlords and childcare operators who perform their own EMP inspections and minor paint repair.
*EMP Training Course on Working Safely with Lead*
*Wednesday, December 11th, 2019 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)*
*Catamount Arts Center*
*115 Eastern Avenue*
*St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819*
Eventbrite registration link:
Description: This course will provide basic knowledge of Vermont's Essential Maintenance Practices (EMP) law and how to work safely with lead.
This course fulfills the training and certification requirement described in the EMP law and is necessary prior to performing visual inspection, paint stabilization and maintenance on rental units and daycare facilities that were built before 1978, and filing the associated yearly Vermont EMP statements. This is a 4 hour training including exam. The EMP certificate will be mailed to training participants who pass the exam and pay the $10 training fee.
Send questions to: AHS.VDHALRPGeneral@vermont.gov
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