Community Chorus Thanksgiving Concerts

Past event
Nov 23, 2019, 7 PM

Come hear friends and neighbors as the Middlebury Community Chorus celebrates Thanksgiving in song this weekend! "Songs of Rejoicing and Remembrance" will be performed on Saturday evening, November 23 at 7 pm, and again on Sunday afternoon, November 24 at 3pm. Both hour-long concerts take place at Middlebury College's Robison Concert Hall in the Mahaney Arts Center; admission is free.

The program includes a new work by Middlebury composer Peter Hamlin in memory of long-time area residents Grace and Steve Weber; local musician Sam Guarnaccia's inspired setting of 'To See A World'; Johannes Brahms's lyrical elegy Nänie; and a mix of reflective and celebratory works from commemorative songs to toe-tapping gospel and African-inspired choruses. Jeff Rehbach conducts and Tim Guiles accompanies the 110-voice chorus. Players from the Champlain Philharmonic, Middlebury Wind Ensemble, Vermont Symphony, Burlington Civic and Middlebury College orchestras join us to add wonderful color to our sound. Details on the web at

And, just a brief scheduling note: Sunday's audience often fills the concert hall, so you may wish to attend on Saturday to be certain of a seat!

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