This Saturday marks the 25th anniversary of the Brookfield School Club Auction! Doors open at 5:30 and the live auction begins at 6pm with professional auctioneer Jerry Kill. Join us for this annual community tradition -- spirited bidding and old fashioned fun for a great cause! All proceeds fund student enrichment programs and activities, most of which would not be possible without this auction and the outpouring of support it generates within our larger community.
Our auction list is big and growing every day. Already we have something for every age and interest!
- Local food: a turkey! grass-fed beef & meat, pastured eggs, organic veggies, pies, cider!
- Winter fun: passes to Sugarbush and Grafton Trails & Outdoor Center!
- Beautiful, handmade, functional finds: a glazed pitcher from Tip Top Pottery, wooden stools by Ted Elzey, quilt from Alice Wakefield, and Whales Tales jewelry by Jim Sardonis
- Family outings: certificates to Get Air, Champlain Valley Fair, and the UV Aquatic Center!
- Memorable experiences: wine tastings, photo shoot, "a day in the life on a dairy farm", ride to school in a firetruck
And so much more! Come early to check out the items and enjoy a variety of soups, stews, and desserts for sale. New this year, we will also be selling "Cards for a Cause". Sets of 30 greeting cards will be available for $31.80 (including tax). These handmade cards for all occasions come with coordinating envelopes in a keepsake box.
See you on Saturday!