Maple Corner Film Series Friday Night

Past event
Nov 22, 2019, 7 to 9 PM

This Friday, November 22, at 7:00, Howard Hawks' classic comedy BRINGING UP BABY will kick off a five-film series of film comedies at the Maple Corner Community Club. The 1938 film is perhaps the ultimate "screwball comedy" so popular in the 1930s, with Katherine Hepburn as a free-spirited heiress (with a pet leopard named 'Baby") and Cary Grant as a buttoned-down archaeologist. Roger Ebert praised "its characteristic breathless pace, zany antics and pratfalls, absurd situations and misunderstandings, perfect sense of comic timing, series of lunatic and hare-brained misadventures, disasters, light-hearted surprises and romantic comedy." Rick Winston will introduce the film and lead a discussion afterwards; admission is by donation.

Please join us, and bring your friends!!

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