Seeking Stories for Story Telling Event

Past event
Feb 16, 2020

Seeking stories for Story Telling event in February (Note Deadline)

End of Life Services is seeking storytellers for their third Stories from the Hearth, which will take place on Sunday, February 16, 2020, at the Middlebury hearth of American Flatbread. This year's theme is Within Grief's Darkness Dwells Love's Light. Do you have a story to tell about a personal experience of loss, grief and love? Each story should be no more than 8 minutes in length, a personal and true story to be told from the heart (rather than read), and include how this experience changed or deepened your life. Five or 6 stories will be selected and those storytellers will be coached to help them prepare for telling their stories before an audience.

If you have a story to tell, or an idea for a story, please contact Priscilla Baker at

Deadline for stories: noon, Wednesday, December 4, 2019

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