Orwell Historical Society Meeting: New Members Welcome

Past event
Nov 19, 2019, 6 PM

The Orwell Historical Society is dedicated to the collection, preservation and exhibition of over 250 years of Orwell's past ~ for present and future generations! And, in keeping with the old saying, "It takes many hands to make for light work", the organization is inviting new members to join, so the Society may continue its mission.

Are you interested in traveling back in time to examine Orwell's distant or recent history? Do you have a keen interest in genealogical research? Are you willing to be a docent and give tours on the days the Museum is open? Are you handy with hand tools and have time to help design, build and install exciting and engaging exhibits? Are you skilled in writing grants? The Orwell Historical Society has much to offer, both in its award-winning museum, and online - (for now, on its Facebook page). The Society is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to historic preservation, education, and celebration of local Orwell history.

Come join us at our next Orwell Historical Society business meeting - on Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 6PM - at the Orwell Free Library!

Hope to see you there!

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