Community Sing at Heartbeet Lifesharing

Past event
Nov 12, 2019, 7 to 8:30 PM

Held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.

At community sings folks of all ages come together to lift our voices in sweet harmony. We sing rounds, ballads, lullabies, songs for change, joy, healing, and more. Heidi teaches the parts by ear, and all voices are welcome. A by donation event. Drop in anytime! Contact to get on the email reminder list.

HEIDI WILSON is a singer-songwriter with a passion for sharing songs inspired by and in service to community and the wild world. She has been leading a cappella singing groups for the last fifteen years with the aim of uplifting courage, beauty, and connection. Heidi currently leads singing at the Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture, Village Harmony, local Community Sings, and seasonal Interfaith Sacred Sings.

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