Getting Better at Getting Along
"Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.' Anne Morrow Lindbergh
After a series of discussions about ways Bethany church can extend its ministry to the community in practical ways, offering an opportunity to learn more about how to communicate openly, honestly, and well seemed important. To that end, Bethany will be hosting a workshop open to the entire community on Friday, November 15 th from 6:00 to 8:30 and continuing on Saturday Nov. 16 th from 9:00 to 3:00.
The workshop leader is Nancy Permenter Brown, who has a private practice in New Hampshire and has led several training programs which have been well received in Vermont churches. She will be helping us learn how to talk about difficult, controversial or conflicted issues in a way that strengthens our relationships rather than divides us. The workshop will apply to interpersonal, community as well as organizational (church, work, civic groups…) situations.
Friday night's session begins with a bread and soup dinner at 5:00, followed by activities focused on understanding the nature of human systems, the nature and root causes of conflict and will begin an exploration of emotions in conflict. We'll finish by 8:00.
Saturday's session begins at 8:30 with coffee and cake, and we'll turn to managing strong emotions (such as anger) and then explore a model that helps us transform conflict into positive growth and change. A sandwich lunch will be provided. The remainder of the day on Saturday will be spent exploring and practicing specific communication skills that are essential to using the conflict transformation model and are helpful in our day to day lives. We'll wrap up around 3:30.
There is no registration fee for this event, although contributions will be encouraged to help meet expenses. To reserve your space, sign up on Sunday with Regina Beidler or call the church office at 728-5849 or email Anne at