Fabric Shopping Bag Sewing Event

Past event
Nov 21, 2019, 7 to 9 PM

You are invited to join us as we gather to sew Fabric Shopping Bags.

VT's new law will ban single use plastic shopping bags starting July 2020. Sew a bag for yourself or for a friend. Or come sew a bag for the Williston Community Food Shelf, which will be distributing our bags to community members in need of a fabric bag.

Date: Thurs, November 21
Time: 7 - 9 PM
Where: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston

We will provide a simple pattern, instruction, tables, cutting boards, and an iron/ironing board.
Please bring your sewing machine, pins, scissors, and ~1 yard of fabric.
Acceptable fabrics include left over yardage of sturdy cotton, polyester, or blends, or used fabric from draperies etc., no tee-shirts or stretchy fabric please.

Yes - we certainly appreciate any extra fabric you may consider donating!

Don't have a sewing machine? Not ready to sew?
You are welcome to just stop by, to chat, and see what we're up to, or maybe even give someone a hand with cutting, folding, or ironing.

Hope to see you there!

*RSVPs appreciated by not required* by contacting Melinda Petter at MJPetter@gmail.com

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