Concerned about the climate crisis? Want to see Vermont do its part to combat it while creating jobs, helping you save money, and protecting public health? If so, the Vermont Climate Solutions Caucus wants to hear from you! Join State Senator's Perchlik and Pollina, Rep. Ancel, as well as Rep. Copland-Hanzas (the Legislative co-Chair of the Climate Solutions Caucus) for an important conversation on Thursday, Nov. 14, at Twinfield, 6:00 pm.
The Climate Solutions Caucus is working with local hosts on forums around the state to outline its priorities for the 2020 legislative session and seek input from Vermonters. The Marshfield and Plainfield Town Energy Committees are hosting this forum.
Please join this important conversation – and bring friends and family! – on: 11/14, Twindfield, @ 6-8pm Don't miss this opportunity to hear about some of the strategic, shared priorities of the Climate Solutions Caucus, ask questions, and learn how you can get involved to ensure progress in the 2020 legislative session.