Rupert Game Supper

Past event
Nov 23, 2019, 5 to 7 PM

Come one come all to the annual Rupert Game Supper on November 23rd at the Rupert Fire House. Serving begins at 5 pm. Menu to include, but not limited to Teriyaki Moose, Sweet & Sour Moose Meatballs, Venison Meatballs, Pheasant L'Orange, Bear Meatloaf, Venison Stroganoff, Bear Sauerbraten, Real Mashed Potatoes, Turkey, Roast Beef, Rupert Rising Bread, Dessert of Choice & a beverage. Mettawee 6th graders will be busing tables for tips as well as a 50/50 raffle to benefit their annual spring trip to Boston, local 4-H club to hold a Silent Auction, as well as the Fire Dept holding a gun raffle. For more information call Kelli at 394-2491 or email Come out and support some wonderful organizations. On the day of the supper, calls will be taken at 394-7844

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