RAMS- a portrait of Dieter Rams--
Free film screening at Contois Auditoriam WED NOV 7th ( doors open at 6:00- film at 6;30)
Rams is on of the most influential designers alive know for his work for Braun and Vitsoe. This film explores consumerism, materialism, sustainability, and the future of good design. RAMS design principles champion simplicity, honesty, and restraint. They are about a way to live, getting
rid of distractions and visual clutter, and just living with what you need. Beautifully and thoughtfully filmed.
Have any examples of BRAUN DESIGNS? Bring them to be showcased at the screening.
Feb 23, 2025, 4:30 to 5:30 PM
“How to Love a Forest”Feb 25, 2025, 1 PM
Movement for Parkinson's Winter/Spring SessionFeb 27, 2025, 12 to 1:15 PM