Wetland, Woodland, Wildland: a Pictorial Tour

Past event
Nov 12, 2019, 4:15 to 6 PM

Did you know that plants and animals live in "neighborhoods" just like you do? Ecologists refer to these neighborhoods as "natural communities." They help to categorize the variations of plants and animals living together in natural settings; Vermont has nearly 100 natural communities.

If you're interested in learning about the species that thrive in your state and what neighborhoods to find them in, check out Vermont Land Trust's free event:

Wetland, Woodland, Wildland: A Pictorial Tour
November 12, 4:15-6 PM
University of Vermont,
George Aiken Center, Room 102
Burlington, Vermont

At the event, VLT's Liz Thompson and her colleagues, Eric Sorenson and Bob Zaino from Vermont Fish & Wildlife, will introduce their recent publication with a slideshow about Vermont's natural communities.

Join Liz, Eric, and Bob at the University of Vermont to ask questions, grab an autographed copy of their related book, and enjoy light refreshments.

Find more information at vlt.org/event.

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