Something of Value: Dealing with Vermont: Basket Makers

Past event
Nov 7, 2019, 6 PM

Something of Value: Dealing With Vermont: Basket Makers, Gypsies, River Rats, and Eugenics
November 7th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m
Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, Burlington, VT

As Indian-despising settlers poured into Vermont from Southern New England, and Quebec Abenakis were concentrated on Reservations; whole new systems of cultural survival were brought into play, such as converting Indigenous ceremony into public entertainment, transferring one's identity from "Indian" to "French" or more specialized character such as "Pirate," Gypsy" and "River-rat." This process culminated with the attempted Vermont Genocide of the late 1920s, the Vermont Eugenics Survey."

Please register online at :[...]ry/
Tuition $20, no charge for Indigenous Citizens

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