Please come and help our town create a vision for our future by adding your ideas and voice to a new Middlebury Downtown Master Plan. The opening event of the great Middlebury Planapalooza will start on Thursday evening (11/7) at 6 p.m at the Municipal Building, with discussions continuing at various times and locations through Monday (11/11). Do you have ideas about what makes a great downtown? Do you want a chance to think about what a great downtown might look like and offer you? Please come. We want to create a plan that reflects the entire community. All the details of the various sessions that come after the initial meeting on Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Municipal Building are at Click on the link for the Planning and Zoning Office. Details can also be found on Facebook at Midd DT Plan.
Dec 18, 2024, 9:30 to 11 AM
First Night Skiing for the Season and BluesDec 18, 2024, 4 to 8 PM
Well Being Council Nov. 22Dec 20, 2024