Sunday, November 3, 2019, 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Mitchell Green Lounge, McCullough Student Center
Old Chapel Road, Middlebury College.
Come join us to sing early American shape note tunes (like "Amazing Grace") from the Sacred Harp Song Book. This 200-year-old community musical tradition is sung in 4-part, a cappella harmony. The music is social and spiritual, joyous and soulful, powerful and moving, sublime and raucous, ancient and haunting.
Free and open to all ages, all voices, and all levels of musical experience. Loaner books available.
Enter Old Chapel Road from Rte. 125/College St. or Rte. 30/S. Main St.
Co-sponsors: Middlebury College Music Department, Scott Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.
FaceBook/Middlebury Shape Note Singers. Email:
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