Free Indeed will be accepting donations this Saturday morning from 9am until noon at the Middletown Springs Community Church (back door). We are now accepting winter and Christmas items. All items should be clean, in working condition, and ready to be gifted. (Any presorting by size or type of garment would be greatly appreciated.) Because of space limitations and difficulty in recycling, please call before donating furniture, TVs, computer equipment, VHS tapes, cartons of books.
For those of you not familiar with Free Indeed, we collect donated items all year long, set things out like a giant tag sale, and then give it all away. Yes, everything is "Free Indeed".
This year's Christmas Free Indeed event will be held on Sat. Dec. 7 from 9 am until noon at the Community Church.
Thank you to all who donate for helping us continue this ministry to our town and the surrounding communities.
Any questions, please call Sally Achey at 802-235-2434.
Feb 17, 2025, 7 PM
Free Adult Medical Clinic - RC Health PartnersFeb 19, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Tai ChiFeb 20, 2025, 4 to 5 PM