The Hinesburg Development Review Board will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall to review the following applications:
1.) Review Minutes of July 30th
2.) Thibodeau/Palmer: (Site Plan Review) Cont'd from 5/21, 6/18 & 7/2 - 62 Charlotte Road - The applicant is requesting this be continued to September 3rd.
3.) Steve & Lisa Carlson: (2-lot Subdivision Final Plat) Cont'd from 7/30 - The applicants are requesting final plat review for a 2-lot subdivision in order to place an existing house and an existing camp on separate lots. This property is located at 85 Upper Access Road in the Rural Residential 1 Zoning District.
4.) Catamount/Malone-Hinesburg LLC (Redstone, The Cheese Plant): (Subdivision Revision) - The applicant is requesting an extension of the submittal deadline for a revised parking plan per the Decision dated July 5, 2013. This property is located at 37 Haystack Road (off Shelburne Falls Road) in the Village NW District.
5.) FAHC-Hinesburg Family Practice: (Sign Review) - The applicant is requesting sign review for the installation of an entry sign for the FAHC-Hinesburg Family Practice. This property is located at 37 Haystack Road (off Shelburne Falls Road) in the Village NW District.
6.) Hinesburg Center LLC: (Conditional Use-Fill in a Flood Plain & Subdivision Sketch Plan Review) - The applicant is seeking both sketch plan approval and conditional use approval for phase 2 of the Hinesburg Center project. The conditional use approval is for development in a flood hazard area - approximately 55,000 cubic yards of fill of which 17,000 cubic yards will be in the Patrick Brook flood plain. This development proposal includes completing most of the infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, stormwater treatment) involved in the 46-acre Lyman property master plan as well as 21 units of affordable rental housing, 17 single family house lots and placeholders for 7 buildings (mixed use in nature) that may include retail/commercial, one and two bedroom apartments and congregate housing. This property is located on the west side of Route 116 and the north side of Farmall Drive in the Village Zoning District.
7.) Other Business:
- News/Announcements
- Correspondence received (if any)
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