UCS Board Meeting April 1

Past event
Apr 1, 2014

You are invited and encouraged to attend a special Underhill Central School board meeting to determine the revised budget to be presented to voters 06May. There will be other board meetings before the vote, but this is the one where major decisions will be made. Maybe the final decision of changes for the revote.

The board meeting 14April will be a joint meeting with all elementary boards in CESU with other agenda items (6:30, MMU Library). The meeting a day or so before the vote will be after the budget changes have been set. You are also invited to attend both of those meetings.

Meeting time & date: at the school, 6:30, 01April(Tuesday). The voting will be 06May at BRMS. Absentee ballots will be available.

John LaRue, chair, UCS board

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