Development Review Board Public Warning

Past event
Nov 13, 2019, 7 to 9 PM


The Richmond Development Review Board (DRB) shall hold a public hearing in the Richmond Town Center meeting room at 203 Bridge Street on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 beginning at 7:00 PM to consider the following:

Public Hearing-
Noyes Properties, LLC- Application 2019-111 for Sketch Subdivision Review for a proposed 4-lot subdivision (creation of 3 new lots), located at 198 Railroad St., Parcel ID RR0198, in the Village/Commercial (V/C) Zoning District.

Erin Sepic- Application 2019-116 for Conditional Use Review to re-establish commercial use as the primary use for a parcel, located at 1151 West Main St., Parcel ID WM1151, in the Agricultural/Residential (A/R) Zoning District.

Richmond Land Trust- Application 2019-117 for Conditional Use Review in the Special Flood Hazard Area for a damn replacement, located at 2203 Wes White Hill Rd (Gillett Pond), Parcel ID WW2203, in the Agricultural/Residential (A/R) Zoning District.

Peaceable Kingdom- Application 2019-118 for a Subdivision Amendment for Preliminary Review, located at 4 Cochran Rd, Parcel ID CO0004, and 69 Thompson Rd, Parcel ID TR0069, in the Agricultural/Residential (A/R) Zoning District.

James Cochran, Thomas & Alexis Cochran and Roger & Jennifer Brown- Application 2019-119 for Final Subdivision Review for a 2-lot subdivision (creation of 1 new lot), located at 530 Milkweed Lane, Parcel ID MK0530, in the Agricultural/ Residential Zoning District.

Other Business-
Approve minutes from October 9, 2019 DRB meeting.

Participation in the hearing process is required to appeal a decision of the DRB. Application materials may be viewed at the Richmond Planning and Zoning Office, phone 802-434-2430.

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