Forest of Mystery: the Witch's Turn

Past event
Oct 25, 6:15 PM to 9:30 PM, Oct 26, 2019

The 25th annual Forest of Mystery!
Friday Oct 25, & Saturday Oct 26 (rain date Sunday Oct 27)
Hour-long journeys begin every 15 minutes, 6:15-8:30 p.m.

The Witch's Turn - Written and directed by Jay & Jess Gelter
There has always been something mysterious, magical, and powerful about those who can connect with nature, heal, and sense another realm beyond ours. We'll follow stories of witches through time. How has she been turned from a healer to a villain? How can we return to and reclaim the power we feel in connecting with nature and the intrinsic magic within it? Let the witch have her turn and she will show you!

The Forest of Mystery takes place each year in the Halloween Season with the aid of a group of talented community actors, dancers, and musicians, as well as inventive costume and set designers. This interactive theatrical performance takes place in scenes staged along BEEC's beautiful candle-lit trails through forest and meadow.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of your journey so that you don't miss your group's departure into the Forest of Mystery. You will travel together on a trail that is about 1/2 mile in length. Be sure to wear comfortable hiking shoes and dress warmly for an October night. The performance is recommended for ages 6 and older.

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