Barre or Bike for a Great Cause!

Past event
Oct 25, 2019, 4:30 to 8 PM

Join us for a spin and/or barre class at RIDE then head over and have dinner at The Deep End, all to benefit the United Way of Lamoille County! Town & Country and The Deep End have generously offered to donate $10 per person that joins us for dinner after the workout. Town and Country's downstairs play area will be open, children welcome for dinner!

What: Barre and/or Spin class at RIDE then head over to The Deep End, where they will donate $10 per person that purchases dinner after the workout!
When: Friday, October 25th, Barre at 4:30 pm, Spin at 5:30 pm, dinner at 7 pm
Where: RIDE and The Deep End in Stowe
Sign Up:

Suggested $20 donation per workout class to benefit United Way of Lamoille County.

To find out more about the United Way of Lamoille County click here:

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