Celebrate Library Cards for All Kids at the Bixby

Past event
Oct 24, 2019, 6 to 7 PM

The Bixby's Policy on new cards for youth patrons has changed. Now anyone birth – 300 can get a free library card if they live in the 5 towns of Addison, Ferrisburgh, Panton, Vergennes & Waltham. All new youth cards for anyone under 16 must be attached to an adult or guardian's account, who is responsible for the items checked out.
To celebrate the change we are throwing a party! Pre-register at http://bixbylibrary.org/event/cardsforall/, on Facebook or by emailing rachel.plant@bixbylibrary.org so we know how much cake we need.

Win a prize for your school
Vergennes Union Elementary School, Champlain Valley Christian School, Ferrisburgh Central School or Addison Central School could win either a $100 gift card to Amazon, $100 gift card to Flying Pig Book store for their school library or an Ozobot (valued at $100). The winning school will pick its prize. The school prize will be awarded to the school with the highest percentage of new library cards created for kids in grades K-6th between October 1st and the party on Oct 24th. We will be visiting the winning school the next day, Friday the 25th to present the prize.

Win a prize for yourself
Anyone age birth – 12 years old can enter a drawing to win the door prize, whether you have a new card or already have one by attending the party. The Friend's of the Bixby Library have graciously donated 2 Flying Pig gift certificates =$50 each and 1 gift voucher for 10 free books from the Friend's booksale on the ground floor. You need to stay for the whole party to win the prize.

Enjoy Cake and refreshments and a take a photo with your new card.
6-6:30pm – Cake and refreshments served
6:30pm – Group photo in lobby of all parents and children holding up their cards
6:45pm – Door prize drawing
Just as a reminder anyone under 8 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

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