OLLI Presentation

Past event
Oct 23, 2019, 1:30 to 3 PM

The OLLI talk for this week will be about the health of Lake Champlain. Lauren Sopher, Director of Science and Water Programs at the Lake Champlain Committee, will discuss the critical issues that impact our Lake's health--climate change, nutrients, toxins, and aquatic invasive species.
Note: this is a change from what is printed in our brochure. The scheduled speaker, Barry Lampke, had to cancel.

What: ''The Health of Lake Champlain,'' with Lauren Sopher of the LCC
When: Wednesday, October 23, 1:30-2:45
Where: Montpelier Senior Activity Center
Cost: Free to OLLI members, others $5 suggested donation

As always, there will be time for questions after the talk. Refreshments will be offered.
If you would like more information about OLLI or this program, please let me know (email or call 454-7814) or go to our website: learn.UVM.edu/osher

Thank you!

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