Looking for area residents interested in thinking about the future of Downtown Middlebury!
We are working with the consulting team of TPUDC to create a Master Plan to guide the growth of Downtown Middlebury- and we want to involve you! We'll be talking about downtown businesses, improvements to walking & biking, stormwater & resiliency, redevelopment of vacant lots & buildings, traffic & parking, enhancing access to the Riverfront and lots more. We want to hear your ideas, your "likes" and "dislikes" and most of all- we want your reactions to the images, illustrations and maps the team will be generating as they begin to put the community's thoughts on paper. Your participation will help us know if we've got it right.
So please mark your calendars! Over Veteran's Day weekend (Nov 7- Nov 11), we'll be hosting series of public engagement events called Planapalooza... and we need your participation!
Please consider attending our Public Meetings-
Opening Presentation: Thurs. Nov 7th (6:00-8:00pm) Municipal Office Building, 77 Main St
Midpoint Pin-up & Review: Sat. Nov 9th (5:30-7:00pm) Bundle, 51 Main St
Closing Presentation: Mon. Nov 11th (6:00-7:30pm) Town Hall Theater, 68 S. Pleasant St
You can also drop-in to visit the team during Open Studio hours, held at Bundle, 51 Main St:
• November 8th 3:00pm- 7:00pm
• November 9th-10th 9:00am – 9:00pm
• November 11th 9:00am-12:00pm
Hope to see you there!
To read more about the Downtown Master plan and process, see the Downtown Master Plan page on the Town website, and follow us on Facebook: "Middlebury Downtown Master Plan".
Other questions? Please contact Town Planner Jennifer Murray at Jmurray@townofmiddlebury.org (802) 458-8010
Mar 8, 2025, 3 to 6 PM
Bone BuildersMar 10, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Middlebury Chapter of Burlington Writers WorkshopMar 11, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM