Nisht Geferlach Klezmer Band at Westford Music Series

Past event
Oct 20, 2019, 4 to 5 PM

Not to be missed, the fabulous Nisht Geferlach Klezmer band will play Sunday the 20th of October at the White Church on the Common in Westford from 4-5pm. Their jazzy, ecstatic, yet soulful and stirring music of the Jew of Eastern Europe have found a home in Vermont. This group of musicians entranced by the rhythms and spirit of klezmer music with bring their unique repertoire of golden age songs of New York's Yiddish Theaters with lively instrumentals that display the Dixieland influence on Jewish immigrant music. People will want to get up and dance or clap or sit and enjoy this special show. Free will donations. Refreshments .. 802-879-4028 for information.

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