Hedgerow Dr Yard Sale

Past event
Oct 19, 2019, 9 AM to 1 PM

*cross-listed as event on the FPF calendar*

Yard sale Saturday 10/19 from 9 am to 1pm. Weather looks good, but will be a garage sale if it rains!

Items available:
Kids Items:
Toys: Wooden parking garage, Wooden doll changing table and high chair. Plastic doll crib,
toy vacuum cleaner, puzzles, stuffed animals, Descendants Halloween costume (the one with blue hair)

Other Kids items
– Travel cot for infant up to toddler including camping mattress. Packs very small (18" long by 8" wide) and is perfect for camping with infant/toddler or for use at home as a safe, place to play or nap. Good as new.
– Two kids kayaks. (Those ones from Dick's that everyone has, but are sometimes sold out when you need them!)
– Two humidifiers for kids rooms (Freddy the Frog and Puffington the Penguin), still working well.

–Household items
– Two standing (pedestal) fans
– Modern design beige armchair with matching ottoman
– Keurig Rivo espresso, cappuccino and latte maker (includes Lavazza coffee pads).

Address: 236 Hedgerow Dr. ShelburneFrom Shelburne village, heading North on Rt 7: turn right between the Christmas Loft and the Chimney Sweep. We're the Smurf blue house on the right towards the end of Hedgerow Dr.

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