Science, art, and comics with cartoonist Rosemary Mosco of, workshop at Birds of Vermont Museum
Saturday, October 19 • 1:00 – 2:00pm Join the fabulous naturalist, cartoonist, and science communicator Rosemary Mosco at a one-hour workshop at the Birds of Vermont Museum.
Combine science, art and humor to create a comic of your own.
She'll tell us how!
Rosemary will linger after the program to sign books and talk to the participants.
$40 ($35 for Museum members) Maximum: 30 Pre-registration required
Perfect for adults and older kids
Rosemary's work can be seen at
You can also sign up at EventBrite ( ) or on Facebook ( )
Birds of Vermont Museum 900 Sherman Hollow Road • Huntington, Vermont 05462 USA (802) 434-2167 • •
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