Golf Ball Drop to Support Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Past event
Nov 2, 2019, 5 to 7 PM

Our local Chapter of LLS (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) did not reach our fundraising goal at our annual Light The Night walk, so we are still working to close that gap- please help us bring light to the darkness of cancer!

November 2nd - we will host a Golf Ball Drop at the Barns at Lang Farms beginning at 5pm. This is a neat event for kids and adults as we will drop a huge bag of golf balls from the top of an Essex Jct FD ladder truck. If your ball is closet to the hole - you have the chance to win up to $1000 cash!! You don't have to be present to win so please buy a ball for $20 or multiple balls at a discount rate. We will have cash bar available for this event.

Check out our Facebook events for more details on the Upstate New York/Vermont Chapter

All proceeds go to benefit the Upstate NY & Vermont Chapter of LLS. If interested in purchasing tickets contact Gail Deuso the LLS Vermont Coordinator at or (802) 233-0014

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