Cabot Contra Dance to Celebrate Admiral George Dewey Day
Cabot, VT. – The Cabot Old Time Family Contra and Square Dance will host a dance, Saturday, October 12, 2019, 7:30 pm at the Willey Building in downtown Cabot celebrating the 120th Anniversary of Dewey Day. The caller for the evening will be Robin Russell with live music provided by David Carpenter, Franklin Heyburn and the Hull's Union Victory String Band with April Werner on piano.
Dewey Day was held in Montpelier in 1899 to welcome home Admiral George Dewey, whose success in destroying the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War made him the nation's number one navel hero. Dewey said the famous quote,"You may fire when you are ready Gridley." The dances are taught and are easily learned by young and old. The contra and square dances are traditional Vermont and New England social dances that have been danced for many generations in the town halls, barns and kitchens around Vermont.
The music is provided by piano and an assortment of fiddles, mandolins, guitars and the occasional surprise instrument. Musicians are always invited to sit in and join with the fun of playing traditional dance tunes.
The Cabot Old Time Family Contra and Square Dance is held on the second Saturday of the month September to May. The dance series is sponsored by the Cabot Library and Cabot Arts.
Anyone and everyone are invited to attend. There is a small donation requested to defray costs. For more information contact David Carpenter 802-426-3225 or email