We are only a few days away from the fun and exciting Essex Town Day at The Strike Zone and we need to know if you will be there so that we have enough instructors and PIZZA!
All T-Ball (age 4-6 during next years season) and all Softball age players will be from 4-5:15PM
All baseball players ages 7-12 during next years baseball season will be from 5:15pm-7pm
Note: Even if you are on either side of those age groups, but have played in the Essex Town Little League recently, feel free to stop by and try out the facility! Bring the whole family! Bring you neighbors! Bring your friends!
Please RSVP ASAP to etllvp@gmail.com with basic information as stated below:
Subject Line in email should read: RSVP Strike Zone Day:
Then just write your child's Name(s), Birthdate or Age your child will be during the season, and which session you will attend on Sunday.
Pizza will be served around 5pm in the back lounge at the Strike Zone, great place to hang out while the kids are using the facility, watch some Sunday football or catch up with friends.
Feel free to contact us at the above email or on our website essextownlittleleague.org or Facebook page.
Hope to see you there!
Mar 11, 2025, 6:30 PM
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