Green Bag Day is Saturday Oct. 12

Past event
Oct 12, 2019

Green Bag Day is Saturday, October 12! Bring your bag (a Food Project Green Bag or your own) of in-date nonperishable food/personal care/ household cleaning items to the Lamoille Community Food Share, from 11:15-12:30 on the 12th, or any time that the pantry is open, OR leave them in a Food Share collection box at the Morrisville, Hyde Park or Stowe libraries. Ask for a new bag to use for the next Green Bag Day* and you'll be all set!

Your donations help keep the pantry shelves stocked throughout the year and we thank you for your continued support!

For a wish list and more info: and click on the Green Bag Project tab.

* The second Saturday of the even numbered months (Feb., April, June, etc) The Lamoille Community Food Share is located at 197 Harrel St. (same mall as CCV). Phone 888-6550. Hours are Mon-Fri 9-11:30 AM and Sat 9:30-11AM. If you'd like me to pick your bag up from your house, please text me at 802-760-0299.

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