Green Bag Day is Saturday, October 12! Bring your bag (a Food Project Green Bag or your own) of in-date nonperishable food/personal care/ household cleaning items to the Lamoille Community Food Share, from 11:15-12:30 on the 12th, or any time that the pantry is open, OR leave them in a Food Share collection box at the Morrisville, Hyde Park or Stowe libraries. Ask for a new bag to use for the next Green Bag Day* and you'll be all set!
Your donations help keep the pantry shelves stocked throughout the year and we thank you for your continued support!
For a wish list and more info: and click on the Green Bag Project tab.
* The second Saturday of the even numbered months (Feb., April, June, etc) The Lamoille Community Food Share is located at 197 Harrel St. (same mall as CCV). Phone 888-6550. Hours are Mon-Fri 9-11:30 AM and Sat 9:30-11AM. If you'd like me to pick your bag up from your house, please text me at 802-760-0299.