Caring for Our Home Grounds, Conservation Congress

Past event
Nov 2, 2019, 8:30 AM to 1 PM

Mark your calendar for this important community conversation!
November 2, from 8:30am – 1pm
at Mount Abraham Union High School in Bristol

We're in a time of climate crisis. The natural communities we live in and depend on are under intense stress. Essential parts of our home grounds—namely air, water, and wildlife—are unbounded and unowned, shared by all of us. They are commons. We the people have the right and responsibility as commoners to care well for the life-sustaining commons here at home.

Much good commoning work is underway here in Vermont's Center-West Ecoregion. We can do much more. Join Vermont Family Forests for a conversation on November 2 to take stock of commons conservation in our home place and imagine effective, creative, collaborative next steps.

The suggested donation is $15. Registration includes lunch and t-shirt. Visit for details and registration.

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