Quarterly Breakfast Hosted by Castleton Republicans

Past event
Oct 19, 2019, 8:30 to 10 AM

The Castleton Republicans have been hosting quarterly breakfasts to gather like-minded Vermonters together to hear from speakers on pertinent topics, to talk and ask questions of our legislators and meet new friends. Click on the links to learn more about our 2 speakers.

Speakers will include:
John Klar - 7th generation Vermonter, farmer, lawyer, writer. To learn about Mr. Klar, his articles can be found here: https://bit.ly/2nuIMk4 (copy shortened link)
Kate Bowen - Owner of Meadowdale Farm in Putney. To learn about Kate Bowen, take a look at her farm in Putney here: https://bit.ly/2Izplhk (copy shortened link)

Cost - $15/ Value - Priceless!
If you've never been...its NOT stuffy, but relaxed, friendly and informative!

Location: Lake Bomoseen Lodge and Tap Room, (formerly the Trak Inn). 2551 VT Rt 30 Bomoseen, VT

This event is for Vermonters from around the state - not just those in Castleton!
Share the invitation widely and let's fill the room!
Please RSVP Asap, by end of this week to 802.282.2762 or Rutlandgop@gmail.com

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