Weld to Speak to Republicans in Berlin
William Weld, a former two-term governor of Massachusetts and a Republican candidate for President will be the featured speaker at the monthly meeting of the Washington County Republican Committee on Thursday, October 17.
Governor Weld's remarks will begin at 5:30 pm at the Steakhouse Restaurant in Berlin on the Barre Montpelier Road. Following his remarks, there will be dinner and the biennial caucus of the county committee.
Governor Weld is challenging President Trump for the 2020 nomination. He has petitioned to appear on the ballot of New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation Presidential primary and is seeking signatures to appear on the March ballot in Vermont as well.
Governor Weld is a fiscal conservative who as governor cut taxes 21 times in the Bay state. He was elected initially with 50% of the vote in the traditionally heavily Democratic State and re-elected four years later with 71% of the vote. Following his tenure, Massachusetts elected three straight GOP governors.
Governor Weld believes that the country and the Republican party are not being well-served by having Donald Trump in the White House. "We need better leadership in Washington," he says. "Leadership that is experienced, honest, intelligent and civil." Prior to being elected governor, Governor Weld served as the US Attorney for Massachusetts, and won 109 convictions in the prosecution of public corruption. He served in the Justice Department during the Reagan presidency and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
"We welcome the opportunity to meet and hear from Governor Weld," said John "Josh" Fitzhugh, chair of the county committee. "In primary elections held to choose among two or more candidates of the same party for the same office, we are non-partisan and see our role as educating Republican voters about all serious candidates." Persons interested to hear Governor Weld's presentation, or in attending dinner following his remarks, should contact Judi Wernecke at 485-8793 or judiwernecke@hotmail.com for reservations. The cost of the dinner is $15 and it starts at 6:30 pm. All members of the public are invited, although space is limited. Please be sure to contact Judi at judiwernecke@hotmail.com so you are not turned away.
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