Delectable Pumpkins and Members Meeting

Past event
Oct 15, 2019, 12:30 to 3 PM

Arlington Garden Club Members Meeting at 1:00, Members Program on Pumpkins at 2:00 (Meet and Greet Social starts at 12:30).
Coordinator and Presenter: Cathy Kindle
Hostesses: Linda McDevitt and Jackie Ostrander

"I am Falling in love again with autumn,
The smell of warm cider,
The orange color leaves,
Pumpkins everywhere
and the crisp breeze,
People walking or riding their bikes,
Folks jogging or going on hikes,
I love autumn for so many reasons,
I must admit-
This is my favorite season"
― Charmaine J Forde

Interested in becoming a member? Call us at 802-375-1223 today! Visit our website for more information at

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