Join Uwe Mester, a German Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®, for effectively reducing or even eliminating chronic pain in your muscles and joints. The Feldenkrais-Method® has helped thousands of people reduce/eliminate physical pain through better movement and awareness. Curious? Find out how gentle and easy movement lessons will help you move out of pain. You do not need to be flexible and Feldenkrais is NOT a yoga class or a spiritual or esoteric practice. The founder, Moshe Feldenkrais, was an Israeli physicist, mechanical engineer, and martial artist. Participants' age ranges usually from 30 – 90(!) years.
Location: 257 Pine Street, Burlington
Aikido of Champlain Valley
Plenty of free parking.
Can't make this free intro class on Sunday? Come to the regular Feldenkrais Tuesday class (Every Tuesday, 9:30 - 10:30am at Aikido at Champlain Valley – First class free!)
Registration: Please email Uwe Mester at
For more information about Feldenkrais, complete class schedule, testimonials about Uwe, please visit