At the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, Forest Center 54 Elm Street, Woodstock, VT 05091
Join us at the next Green Drinks event to meet the staff at the Two Rivers – Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) and learn how TRORC works for you! TRORC serves 30 towns in east- central Vermont and provides planning, mapping, grant writing, facilitation, and project management services to its member towns. TRORC staff will be discussing how their work advances sustainability in the TRO-region including areas such as energy, water quality, forestry, buyouts, and more. Each area of discussion will also be followed by a short Q&A session. Complimentary snacks will be provided.
Green Drinks are hosted on the 3rd Thursday of every month by the non-profit Sustainable Woodstock. Green Drinks are social events meant to keep our community informed about local sustainability group and initiatives in a fun and relaxed environment. Green Drinks are Free and open to all. Visit to learn about upcoming Green Drinks. Contact Zach@sustainablewoodstock, 802-457-2911 to learn more or for inquiries.
RSVP here.[...]xYI