Conservation Commission Meeting at Municipal Building

Past event
Oct 8, 2019, 6:45 to 8:30 PM

Please note the change of location for the Conservation Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 8th. Due to the heating project at the library, the meeting will be held in the Senior Citizens Room on the second floor of the Municipal Building. The agenda is posted on the town webpage.

There is an opening on the Commission for you if you want to become a part of this hardworking, enthusiastic team of volunteers. The Conservation Commission is the only local board charged specifically with protecting the natural resources of Johnson. Members work in an advisory capacity with the Planning Commission, the Trustees and the Select Board. The Conservation Commission promotes good stewardship of the town's resources as identified by the Johnson community. Please join us at a meeting, review our minutes on the town's webpage, and/or check out our Facebook page. Then think about applying for the position presently open. Whatever your interests or skills, we will appreciate your assistance on the Conservation Commission

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