Music - Shape Note Singing

Past event
Oct 6, 2019, 1 to 3 PM

Sunday, October 6, 2019  , 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 
Mitchell Green Lounge, McCullough Student Center 
Old Chapel Road, Middlebury College   

We are an informal, friendly group of people who invite you to join us in singing early American folk tunes, hymns, and anthems from the Sacred Harp Song Book.  A sample:

"Return Again," written in 1779 by John Newton, the Quaker slave ship captain who "saw the light" of "amazing grace" and turned to writing hymns, including this one, p. 335 in the Sacred Harp Song Book.

Sacred Harp is traditional, 4-part, a cappella, community harmony singing. There are no rehearsals and no performances. We simply sing for the joy of the music.  Free and open to all ages, all voices, and all levels of musical experience. Loaner books are available.

Parking on Old Chapel Road and adjacent parking lots. Enter from Rte. 125/College St. or Rte. 30/S. Main St.  Co-sponsored by the Middlebury College Music Department and the Scott  Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. 

FaceBook: Middlebury Shape Note Singers.

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