"Reading Lincoln in the Age of Trump: Presidents and Political Communication"

Past event
Oct 4, 2019, 2 to 3 PM

EEE Program for October 4, 2019r.
The lecture for Friday is titled:
"Reading Lincoln in the Age of Trump: Presidents and Political Communication"
Our guest speaker will be:
Leslie Butler, Associate Professor of History, Dartmouth College

Education & Enrichment for Everyone (EEE) presents (insert the next Friday lecture info with speaker name, etc. directly from the EEE brochure listing). This program, part of EEE's weekly Fall Speaker Series, will be held at Faith United Methodist Church, 899 Dorset St, So. Burlington, (insert that Friday's date), 2 pm to 3 pm. EEE members free. Non-members $5 at the door.

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